Think About It

Did Eve do the wrong thing when she ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

It is a great thing, to have knowledge. The trouble is that get too much of it and you have to write it down, have something to write with and have something to write it on?

Then, of course, there is the problem of where to store what you have written, as well as how to align each writing so that it you can easily find it and link it to other relative writing. In some cases you find that you have far too much material to carry. No problem as some “bright spark” has invented a circular thing called a “wheel”, so the transportation of such materials, in bulk, is easier.

Curiosity about horizons leads us to travel in water borne vessels and we then realize that not everyone speaks the same language and so it goes on. What affect is all this creativity having on us?

When our ancestors lived in caves, they could only meet people that were within walking distance, communication was easier – a lot simpler. Postmen were not yet invented and, apart from hunting, a wooden club was often used to settle disputes or to get something, or someone, that you wanted. Communication is a lot more complicated now, but does it need to be?

Human beings have certainly made their mark on the place since their arrival (or evolution, if you prefer). When you look at all of the results of human activity, have we really changed the basics of how we live? Do any of the real rules change because of us? We have made life easier and, at the same time, more difficult.

In natural terms, all communication is face to face. If you are speaking, on the telephone, to someone you don’t know, you instantly have a picture of who they are and what they look like. Your brain cannot accept that the person is not in front of you, but rather than return to life “without”, we cannot wait to have telephones that enable you to see the other person/people talking to us.

Other examples of our creative ability are:

  • the railway. But, rather than relax and enjoy the journey, and you’ve heard it before, many times – The train journey time now only takes 4 hours, then it gets reduced to 3½ hours, and then 3 hours. When you hear this frantically expressed information, what is it really saying? It is telling us that we won’t be happy until the journey time takes no time at all and they are working on it – “Beam me up Scotty”.
  • we use computers to hold meetings.
  • make prosthetic hands, to give the feeling of actually being at the meeting.

What we are trying to do here is be as we really are + all our own created benefits. Real is, just being in your locality; no telephones; no postmen; no computers. Even if you do want to “beam up” to another locality, face to face communication is what is natural.

We can and do create things ourselves and the arts are an example of our creative ability. We create games and things to help us survive, or live a better existence; we love to do this, good comes from it – it is a good thing, isn’t it?

Not always! Creation is in a delicate balance with destruction and it is not all that difficult to find yourself:

applying more destruction than creation in creation


more creation than destruction in destruction.

Having invented money and created a safe place to put it, we incurred record keeping. So having introduced this additional feature of record keeping to our daily activities, have we introduced, for the administrator, a benefit which has no unnatural side affects? The things created by humans are generally designed with survival in mind, but nature and new ideas don’t always see eye to eye, at least not at first. We often hear phrases like “trial and error” “in hindsight”, “teething troubles”, “learning curve”,  and the like!

On the subject of administration, this creation/ destruction balance is very important. The reason for this is that the objective is, or should be, that the administration process helps the administrator to do their job while, at the same time, allowing the administrator to retain their own identity/ composure. The creation/ destruction balance here is – How can you keep the “paper” without the “work”?  Without going back to bartering, how can you create the benefit and destroy any unnecessary paperwork?

How does it affect us when we create anything, without taking the principles of nature into account?



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